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Miscellaneous Materials

Did you know that, like us, objects can also undergo an X-ray procedure? But how does it work? Well, X-ray procedures work with radiation, which is the propagation of energy. If you have ever had an X-ray exam, you probably remember that it is always done in an enclosed room or space; In a similar way, this process on objects will also be carried out in a closed chamber, capable of isolating the analyzed object inside. This occurs precisely to delimit the space through which these rays will spread energy. Once the material is isolated and surrounded by X-ray beams, the contact with these rays and the release of energy will cause the different materials that make up the object to react in different and specific ways.


Therefore, just as we can predict a friend's reaction to a fright or identify which of our friends was startled by their scream, the reactions of the materials that make up the analyzed object are also predictable and always the same for the same type of element so that no element has the same reaction as another, making it possible to identify to which of them the reaction belongs to and to know which materials are present in the composition of the analyzed object.


Unlike the X-Ray examination in people, the X-Ray Fluorescence process in objects and materials does not produce any kind of image of what was seen, but it can create a very expressive graph and generate percentages of the amounts of a certain material in the composition of the object.

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